Thursday, February 2, 2012

Waterfall Braid

This braid simply looks like a waterfall! Cool right? This is a no-effort looking hair style that can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion.  Do you wanna go to the mall?  Go out on the town? Go to class?  This is the way to go. This one of the many popular braids that are in right now.  Did i mention how easy it was?  It's more simple then a french braid.  Try it out, you have go nothing to lose!

Here is a simple video that demonstrates how to do the waterfall braid.  If you are not very good at doing your own hair, just practice! Practice makes perfect.  If you cannot figure out how to do it, you are bound to have some friends that 

Also, if you want written tips and steps how to do the waterfall braid, check out this link.  You won't go wrong with this! 

Do-it-yourself Waterfall Braid

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